Ok the question is simple: E’ You can add a program to windows firewall simply with a click?
We all know it's a process unnecessarily long and cumbersome to do manually for each individual file, ma there is an automatism?? Well yes, sifting the web, as usual, I have discovered a beautiful solution:

(Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove – Windows Firewall – by Tweaking.com

First of all download the software from here. Or from this mio mirror.

Unpack the file in one specially created folder on your computer, where these files will have to remain unchanged over time. What you will see in the next pictures is just an example, put it where you want, ma remember that if you move or delete the files the method will no longer work described.

So start the file “Right_Click_Option.exe” and click on “Add right click menu

DONE! From now on, by clicking with the right click on one or more files, (multiple selections also apply!!! I am moved) the sympathetic will appear Tweak.com menu with options Block, Allow e Remove of Windows Firewall.

Simpler than that… ;-)!



I really recommend you to visit the site Tweaking.com because it contains some really bizarre and very useful utilities!

See you soon, Mauro Monge Rolfo.