The site, then almost by accident in June 2012, has grown day by day thanks to your attentions, reaching absolutely unexpected goals!
In February 2015, date on which it was paused, it counted on average 1500 visitors e 2000 pages di contenuto consultate per day.

The rebirth in this March 2020 of Sgnuffitech 2.0 (entirely rewritten from scratch) was unexpectedly favored by the mandatory break of CoVid19 and it happens for 3 basic reasons:

  1. The desire to have a personal website thanks to which to advertise to me and my company but making myself useful to others! I want to feel part of something big. A small piece of that big puzzle that I am the know and the human progress.
  2. Return at least part of the rarer knowledge that I have drawn from the internet with so much effort, commitment, money and effort (…), this time, But, reworked and simplified in order to make them usable easily even to a noob as I was!
  3. Beautifully transcribe the notes taken for years on the virtual notebook of MS OneNote in a public place, so that anyone, I too have a memory of chocolate, can easily reproduce in the future: procedure, tricks difficult to find on the web and now completely unavailable files.

However, there is a dark side of the coin: the growing popularity of Sgnuffitech, it has pushed me to commit myself more and more and to look for more and more professional solutions to best meet your needs. However, this also has a cost: in now 8 years of site management, between renting the domain on Aruba, purchase of various plug-ins and themes to embellish our work, I spent over 700 euro. That's why I'm here, grudgingly, forced to enter the "Donate" option, to help us support the project.

However, with the transparency and honesty that has always distinguished me, I want to clarify that all the contents of the site are and will always be accessible to everyone, without any kind of cost or advertising, e che la vostra donazione non vi garantirà alcun tipo di privilegio.

This is precisely to distinguish the Sgnuffitech project from the mass of sites on the WEB, very lackluster of content but flourishing with increasingly intrusive day-to-day advertising. It's dangerous!

Here you have the opportunity to help a boy who believes in simplicity and without presumptionideal of sharing knowledge for free. Gratuitousness which, however, would be nice also existed towards me, given the expenses that I have to face "daily" to offer you these services with certain quality standards.

Thank you very much to all those who want and help me in my project.

List of donations received:

Paolo Miglioranzi — 50 €

Sergio Covarelli — 10 €

Arrigo Leoni — 20 €

Anonimo — 50 €


A thank you particolare va anche a Christian (Willy89) who had helped me in his time in drafting the first project of the site.